This trait also increases the Fishing skill 2x Faster.

Sims who have the Fish Fanatic trait will gain a +4 Playful Buff when fishing or viewing fish they keep in aquariums This doesn't need the Expansion Packs to work! I also added a small trait related to fish, even though they weren't expanded on in My First Pet Stuff. Sims who have the Hates Small Pets trait will gain a +4 Uncomfortable Buff when interacting with any small pets Sims who have the Loves Small Pets trait will gain a +4 Playful Buff when interacting with any small pets, like hedgehogs, hamsters, rats etc If you’ve never before thought it impossible to play as your own pet, then you’re in for a surprise. You will need Cats and Dogs and My First Pet Stuff for this trait to work! FebruStefan Learn How to Play with the Mod to Control Pets in The Sims 4 The mod to control your pets in The Sims 4 is absolutely a blast.

There are currently no known conflicts, but any mod that uses any of the following resources will conflict.These traits are for the new minor pets introduced in My First Pet Stuff,and as I felt there was a lacking on the trait part I've introduced two new traits for them Loves Small Pets and Hates Small Pets. Make sure to only choose one version! There’s no point in having both. I also went in and gave them icons, which I thought were appropriate.Īfter doing this, I decided that all this new information might be too much for some simmers, and I also created a version which will remove the blank traits completely, so that only the CAS traits will be shown for your pets. So I went about doing some quick research and messed around with some XML files, after which I finally figured out how to give those blank traits some names.

7 December 2017 - Added Portuguese translations thanks to FelixReal on MTS.17 December 2017 - Added Russian translations thanks to Glad on MTS.12 November 2018 – Added the missing “Obsession with Minor Pets” and German translations thanks to Sarafinja at MTS.(You wouldn’t see any difference without it as it is needed to view your pets Simology panel.) This mod requires Andrew and Orange Mittens’s Playable Pets Mod, found here.