System and controls page being worked on A special move adapted from Goku as he appeared in Super Dragon Ball Z.The members of Team Z2 and their collaborators have set out to create the ultimate Dragon Ball fighting game. The culmination of multiple years of work by intensely dedicated Dragon Ball fans, chalk full of references, from the extensive amount of individual character intros to the wonderfully accurate CPS3 inspired soundtrack created by DaMarcus008 and Whizzywhipitwonderful, and an ever expanding roster.

Team Z2 set upon creating this game as a letter of love to both the dragon ball franchise and Capcom's CPS3 era classics, which the game is heavily inspired by. Hyper Dragon Ball Z is a fan-made Dragon Ball being developed by Team Z2, made in M.U.G.E.N. Krillin (appears on the continue screen).Super Buu (appears on the fighter selection screen).Satan and Bee (appears in Majin Buu's airborne victory pose) Goten and Trunks (appears in Gotenks' ground victory pose).Super Saiyan 3, transformation exclusive to the Super Dragon Fist combo attack.Although the Story Mode is not included in the French v.