Leaked Experience can be very helpful in getting this to the appropriate point without weakening the party or putting the Magikarp Power in danger. Magikarp is based on an old Japanese legend about a carp which manages to swim up a waterfall and becomes a dragon through sheer perseverance. Until you painstakingly grind it up to level 20, at which point it evolves into Gyarados, a sea leviathan ready to wreak vengeance from on high with its own lethal abilities.

It learns Tackle, the most basic attack in Pokémon, at level 15, and a lucky few have it as an innate skill, but its Attack stat is so low that it still does minimal damage. The Trope Namer is Magikarp from Pokémon, a ubiquitous, dim-witted, carp-like Pokémon who only knows the move Splash, which, as the game gleefully informs you, " has no effect". This can be an item/weapon you need to explicitly power up or even an entire low-level character who gets some really awesome techniques later. A character, ability, or piece of equipment that seems completely useless at first, but with repeated use and patience can be highly effective later.